2024 Summer School

2024 Summer School

2024 Summer School

Take a look at awesome projects from our 2024 Summer School!

Take a look at awesome projects from our 2024 Summer School!

Dive into each topic to see their hard work come to life!



#work-life balance

#workplace culture


Undergrad student from UDE

Tim's research focuses on the impact of remote work on productivity in South Korea, especially as remote work gained prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic. South Korea is notorious for its long working hours, yet productivity remains below the OECD average. Tim’s research investigates whether this phenomenon can be traced back to workplace culture, where Korean enterprises often emphasize input, hierarchy, and physical presence over output.


Master student from Ca'Foscari

Bea's research explores the pervasive issue of overwork in South Korea, questioning whether this phenomenon is driven by cultural values, such as Confucian ideals of hard work, or by institutional factors, such as labor policies and workplace structures. Through her study, Bea aims to uncover the roots of this problem, highlighting its impact on worker well-being and proposing solutions to mitigate the harmful effects of overwork in Korean society.

Bea's research explores the pervasive issue of overwork in South Korea, questioning whether this phenomenon is driven by cultural values, such as Confucian ideals of hard work, or by institutional factors, such as labor policies and workplace structures. Through her study, Bea aims to uncover the roots of this problem, highlighting its impact on worker well-being and proposing solutions to mitigate the harmful effects of overwork in Korean society.

Gender and Development

Gender and

#family dynamics

#sex ratio disparity


Master student from KDIS

Hannah, inspired by the stories of "K-sisters," explores the impact of younger brothers on the educational attainment of their older sisters. Her research focuses on understanding how sibling dynamics, particularly in the context of Korea's cultural background, have shaped the educational opportunities of women during periods of rapid industrialization and societal change.


Master student from KDIS

Hien has worked with an NGO in Vietnam, focusing on gender issues and organizing queer parades. Her research now examines regional disparities in the sex ratio at birth in Vietnam, aiming to contribute to gender equality and social justice efforts while addressing this critical demographic issue.

Hien has worked with an NGO in Vietnam, focusing on gender issues and organizing queer parades. Her research now examines regional disparities in the sex ratio at birth in Vietnam, aiming to contribute to gender equality and social justice efforts while addressing this critical demographic issue.

Climate Change and Environment

Climate Issues
and Environment

#EUDR restrictions


#air pollution


#kuznets curve


#EUDR restrictions


#kuznets curve

#air pollution




Master student from KDIS

Jisu is interested in exploring the impacts of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) on the domestic food industry and how South Korea's environmental policies can be improved in response.

Jisu is interested in exploring the impacts of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) on the domestic food industry and how South Korea's environmental policies can be improved in response.


PhD student from KDIS

Ianaja is from Madagascar where the increasing recurrence of tropical cyclones threatens already fragile living conditions in her country. Cyclones damage rice fields, significantly contributing to food insecurity. Ianaja’s research focuses on understanding how these natural disasters exacerbate food insecurity, with the hope of informing better disaster management strategies for the future.


Undergrad student from Kyung Hee Univ.

Undergrad student from
Kyung Hee Univ.

Undergrad student from
Kyung Hee Univ.

Junsik has long been fascinated by the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), which explores the relationship between economic growth and environmental impact. His research focuses on examining how renewable energy sources can influence CO2 emissions as economies grow, aiming to provide insights into sustainable energy policies that align with the EKC hypothesis.


Master student from GRIPS

Islam, from Bangladesh, is deeply concerned about the country's air pollution crisis, particularly in Dhaka, one of the most polluted cities in the world. His research focuses on evaluating the impact of Bangladesh’s National Environmental Policy on improving air quality in Dhaka, aiming to provide valuable insights for policymakers to combat this pressing issue and enhance public health outcomes.


Undergrad student from UDE

Anna has noticed that many of her vegetarian friends struggled to maintain their dietary habits during their stay in South Korea, where finding plant-based or animal-free options is difficult. Inspired by these observations, Anna's research focuses on the potential economic and environmental impacts of transitioning to a plant-based food industry in South Korea.


Undergrad student from Ewha Womans Univ.

Undergrad student from
Ewha Womans Univ.

Yuna is interested in the impact of Early Warning Systems (EWS) on enhancing community disaster response capabilities.

Yuna is interested in the impact of Early Warning Systems (EWS) on enhancing community disaster response capabilities.

Urban Issues

Urban Issues




PhD student from KDIS

Sehoon was motivated by his love for the city of Sejong to focus his research on South Korea's pressing fertility issue. With a bold vision, he hopes to uncover a solution that could address the country's declining birth rate, potentially offering a last hint of hope for South Korea's future.


Undergrad student from Hanyang Univ.

Undergrad student from
Hanyang Univ.

Jiin is interested in exploring strategies for the hotel industry to attract inbound foreign tourists in Euljiro District post-endemic, with a focus on improving service quality.

Jiin is interested in exploring strategies for the hotel industry to attract inbound foreign tourists in Euljiro District post-endemic, with a focus on improving service quality.

Political Economy

Political Economy

#NK defectors


#Korea-Japn relation

#shadow economy


#policy timing

#NK defectors


#Korea-Japn relation

#shadow economy


#policy timing


Undergrad student from Ewha Womans Univ.

Undergrad student from
Ewha Womans Univ.

Undergrad student from
Ewha Womans Univ.

Jiseon’s research focuses on the differences in how international law is interpreted regarding the refugee status of North Korean defectors in South Korea, China, and the United States. Motivated by witnessing the tragedies defectors are facing by Chinese authorities, Jiseon aims to highlight the challenges in protecting refugee rights and the varied responsibilities countries hold under international law.


Master student from KDIS

What are the potential economic impacts of the ongoing trade conflict between the United States and China on Gabon's economy, and how might it affect homegrown enterprises in Gabon?

What are the potential economic impacts of the ongoing trade conflict between the United States and China on Gabon's economy, and how might it affect homegrown enterprises in Gabon?


Undergrad student from Jeonbuk Univ.

Undergrad student from
Jeonbuk Univ.

Undergrad student from
Jeonbuk Univ.

Sanghyeok, intrigued by the complex and intertwined history between Korea and Japan, noticed the stark generational divide in perceptions toward Japan. Sanghyeok's research aims to bridge this gap by finding ways to address historical issues while fostering cooperation for the future, with the goal of promoting a balanced, harmonious relationship between the two nations.


PhD student from RTU

Andris is interested in understanding how changes in specific tax groups, such as labor tax, consumption tax, and income tax, affect the shadow economy in the three Baltic states.

Andris is interested in understanding how changes in specific tax groups, such as labor tax, consumption tax, and income tax, affect the shadow economy in the three Baltic states.


Master student from GRIPS

Dedek, a tax officer from Indonesia, blends his field experience with a strong academic foundation. His interest in technology and data science drives his research on how digital content influences public trust in tax authorities and impacts tax compliance, offering valuable insights into government communication strategies in the digital age.


Undergrad student from Seoul National Univ.

Undergrad student from
Seoul National Univ.

Undergrad student from
Seoul National Univ.

Junhyong is interested in exploring whether the timing of announcing a policy affects the amount of negative reactions, particularly concerning gas prices.

Junhyong is interested in exploring whether the timing of announcing a policy affects the amount of negative reactions, particularly concerning gas prices.

Education and Development

Education and Development

#post-Korean war ODA

#resource allocation


Master student from Ca'Foscari

Martina's research focuses on comparing US educational aid to South Korea in the 1950s and 1960s with aid provided to underdeveloped countries today. By examining shifts in approaches, methods, and priorities, she hopes to offer insights that can improve the effectiveness of future foreign aid projects in developing nations.


Undergrad student from Yonsei Univ.

Heejin's question focuses on how the allocation of government resources toward education, particularly in higher education, influences economic growth.

Heejin's question focuses on how the allocation of government resources toward education, particularly in higher education, influences economic growth.

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Interested in our upcoming Summer School
Stay tuned for more events and opportunities – we can't wait to have you on board!